Forever Aloe Vera Gel's taste is quite bitter so for those who are a bit tolerant of bitterness, you can prepare a nice juice (orange, berry) or you can even make a fruit shake and put about 2-6oz of Aloe Vera Gel (depends on quantity of your juice).
For pregnant or breastfeeding women, it is not advisable to drink this or best if you consulted on your doctor. Aloe Vera Gel is good for the following health problems.
For product information (cost and ingredients). Click here.
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Acidity | For good digestion |
Joint pains | Psoriasis |
Arthritis | Migraine |
Rheumatism | Cancer |
Hypertension | Kidney problems |
Hemorrhoids (piles) | Heart Disease |
Weak Heart | Prostate problems |
Lung Disease | Gout |
High Cholesterol | Fatigue |
Insomnia (sleeplessness) | For a healthy lifestyle |
Dirty Colon |
Only available at Forever Living Products.
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