Did you know ......
that in order to earn 3,000,000 Pesos (Philippines) in 5 years to buy a small House and Lot
-- you must earn at least 33,000 a month in your bank account.
that joining FLP has two options?
-- One is the Distributor and the other is Wholesaler.
that you can be an instant Assistant Supervisor or Wholesaler in FLP?
that earning the title Assistant Supervisor opens a new financial bonus for you?
-- You'll get 30% discount (15% for Distributors) on all your personal purchases which can be your retail profit in selling FLP products and also earns you a Personal Bonus of 5% on all your personal purchases PLUS 5% of all your direct downline's personal purchases too (this will go to your account or monthly check).
Thank you and come back again for another episode of our Did You Know here at Health, Wealth and Beauty with FLP (Forever Living Products)
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